国际舞台 任君翱翔|王府学子将可持续发展项目带上日内瓦模联
在大会分组讨论中,杨濠华等小组成员模拟各国代表身份,以国际化的包容态度参与 Reducin Wasts 议题,侯佳亿、侯苏洋同学在 AI Ethic 议题中充分展现了良好的沟通能力和综合执行力,耿玉桐、何灵倩同学也积极主动地参与 AI&Society 议题讨论之中。
The opening ceremony of FerMUN 2019 kicked off in the Assembly Hall of the United Nations Office in Geneva on January 16, with debates following at the World Intellectual Property Organization. MUN is an activity that encourages students to participate in international relations and diplomacy by simulating the United Nations and its debate protocol. The activity attracted 700 young participants from 50 schools, 27 countries and 5 continents. Beijing Royal School was the only school in China invited and designated 5 Grade 12 students to attend, of whom 3 were awarded the Top 3 in China in the 2018 SDGo Challenge. The BRS team supports the FerMUN 2019 goal of working with talented peers from anywhere in the world. We hope that our students, through actively engaging in the activities, can become familiar with the mechanics of our contemporary, global society; actively and respectfully engage in solving current issues and discussing hot-topics; and learn how to engage and understand different points of view by embracing each others’ cultural identity.
编辑|张晴 翻译|翟静