法律专家走进王府校园 | 我校举办“预防校园欺凌,创建和谐校园”主题法律教育讲座





On December 11th, a lecture on “Bullying Prevention & Creating a Harmonious Campus” was successfully held in the Gymnasium. The lecture was delivered by Mr. Pi Yijun, professor at Chinese University of Political Science and Law. 260 students from all grades of the senior high school and grades 6 and 7 of the junior high school attended the lecture.

The opening speech was by Ms.Yu Yao, BRS Vice Principal. Professor Pi Yijun was invited to make a comprehensive analysis on the definition, characteristics, types, harm, typical cases, and containment measures of bullying. Through Professor Pi’s careful explanation, students can now fully understand the seriousness of bullying, and can be deeply aware of the profound significance of staying away from bullying.

After the summary speech by Mr. Cen Jianjun, the former Minister Counselor (for Education) from The Embassy of China in the United States and Director-General of the Research Institute of International Education South-South Cooperation,the lecture was successfully concluded.

The lecture aims to prevent the occurrence of school bullying, guide students to learn to put themselves in others’ shoes, care for classmates, and jointly establish a healthy and harmonious campus.