




On December 9th, the Association of University Summer Sessions Presentation Meeting was held in the International Lecture Hall. Admission Officials from five famous universities, including Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University, University of California, Berkeley, University of Virginia and Boston University, brought us summer school learning experiences for students.

Founded in 1917, the Association of University Summer Sessions includes 50 world-renowned universities in the United States and Canada, providing a wide range of summer credit and noncredit courses for high school students and undergraduates around the world.

The summer session courses are taught by professors from famous universities in the United States. In strict accordance with the academic standards of North American universities, the credit recognition of overseas universities can be obtained during summer schools, so as to save the cost of studying abroad and win the opportunity to graduate in advance during undergraduate study.

Rich and colorful summer courses provide students with a variety of choices to experience the professional courses of world famous schools in a dynamic academic atmosphere. By inviting admission officials of the Association of University Summer Session at BRS, students can enrich their ideas, enhance their core competitiveness,s and accumulate valuable experience for the future university applications.