持续推进 |王府学校顺利开展WASC项目协调会


在会议中,王劲松校长首先做开场发言,他表示,“参与WASC项目的每名教师都应熟知我们学校的自我研究报告,同时保持审视自我、持续学习的状态,为项目组的现场审核工作做好准备。WASC项目组每六年访问一次,这意味着它将是一个持续的过程。”高中校长室Zhu-Lin Li老师和Upashna Rai Simandan老师分别对项目进度报告和数据分析报告进行了详细的介绍;随后,老师们以小组的形式就申报WASC项目将会涉及到的关键问题展开了细致热烈的讨论。

On December 11th, under the leadership of Mr.Wang Jinsong, BRS vice principal, the WASC Coordination Meeting was successful held in the Honor Hall. Participants sorted out various preparations for the upcoming visit of WASC in March 2020, and dozens of project team members attended the meeting.

During the meeting, Mr.Wang Jinsong made the opening speech. He said, “Every teacher participating in WASC should be familiar with the self-study report, and we would like to inspect ourselves focusing on learning. WASC will revisit every 6 years, which means it is a ongoing process.”  Mr. Zhu-Lin Li and Ms. Upashna Rai Simandan of the Principal’s Office respectively introduced the Progress Report and the Profile Report in detail. The teachers then had a detailed and lively discussion in small groups on the key issues which would be covered in the application for WASC accreditation.