On May 18, the BRS Class of 2017 Graduation Concert & Musical Performance took place at the main auditorium to a roaring and enthusiastic packed house of teachers, students and parents.
The performance is part of the BRS graduation festivities and pays tribute to our Alma Mater as well as raise funds to support 12 rural children from Zhangjiakou in Hebei Province through the BRS Public Welfare Foundation. The show’s very diverse lineup included both Chinese and Western instrumental playing, showcasing the unique and colorful musical traditions of each culture. A finale featuring a medley of Broadway musical, beautifully choreographed and stunningly presented, really brought down the house.
▲《Alexander Hanmilton》
▲《My Fair Lady》
▲《Into the Woods》
▌下半场,《Alexander Hanmilton》、《Chicago》、《My Fair Lady》等百老汇剧目在同学们倾情地演绎下经典再现。
▌《Glee》与《High School Musical》等青春励志音乐剧的表演也为现场注入满满的快乐元素。
(文|饶茹 摄影|毛小龙 翻译|翟静)