2018年3月28日,北京王府学校热音社the pisces乐队进行了一场激情四射的校内音乐会。
现场演奏的《Intro》、《Happy life》、《You have a secret》……等12首曲子均来自乐队成员原创,曲风轻松、温暖、文艺小清新,让围观的师生们感叹:听起来有种幸福的感觉。
On March 28, The Pisces Band, one of Beijing Royal School’s student bands, captivated the crowd with their amazing voices and performance at a school concert. They performed approximately 12 of their own songs, written in their signature warm and relaxed style, including “Intro”, “Happy Life”, and “You Have a Secret”. They wowed everyone into sighing: sounds like a happy feeling.
乐队取名the pisces,意为双鱼座。因为乐队键盘手戴俊晨Frank、鼓手英翰John,吉他贝斯手张煜昊Giove、张知遥,皆是双鱼座男孩,温柔多才。
他们相遇在2017年夏末,喜欢用创Indie Rock, Shoegaze Rock和 Alternative Rock三种摇滚歌曲来表达自己。同样的热爱音乐,互为共鸣,让他们结成了友谊。
(文|仲秋睿 图片|毛小龙 张煜昊 翻译|翟静)