运动表演赛展示区,荣获2016 BASE国际学校联盟U19羽毛球锦标赛五项大奖的王府校羽毛球队上演了一场扣人心弦的表演赛;另一边,Ski Club滑板社的炫技表演,更是引来阵阵惊呼。
▌摊位展示区,校服熊Club、商业社、模联社、MC社、形体社、健身社、心理社、Different Stage社、乒乓球队等社团,以赠送纪念品、回收二手书、互动游戏等多姿多彩的方式与来宾进行现场交流。
2017 BRS Students Clubs Carnival was held as scheduled at the gymnasium on April 26th, 2017.
This carnival was aimed at exhibiting achievements of all BRS clubs over years, enriching campus culture, strengthening ties among different clubs, deepening students and teachers understanding towards clubs of Student Union Association and providing a chance for students to interact with the clubs.
28 clubs participated in the carnival, covering academic field, arts, culture and sports and welfare in the form of booth exhibition, shows, works exhibition, video exhibition and sports exhibition matches.
On the stage, Hot Music Band, CLOWN Dancing Club, Cartoon Research Club, Han Chinese Clothing Club, South Korean Language Club, Piano Club and Nunchakus Club gave an incredible performance. Robot club brought the brand new robot that they took to the US FRC Robot Competition for the Youth and displayed for us at the carnival.
At the sports exhibition matches area, Badminton Club winning five awards at B.A.S.E U19 Badminton Tournament 2016 showed us a fierce badminton match on site. Virtuosity from Ski Club won applause from the audience.
At the works exhibition area, BYBOLS English Calligraphy Club, Chinese Calligraphy Club, Photography Club and Art Club exhibited exquisite works created by club directors and club members.
At the booth exhibition area, School Uniform Design Club, Business Club, Model UN Club, MC Club, Shapephysique Club, Bodybuilding Club, Psychology Club, Different Stage Club and Table Tennis Club communicate with guests through giving away souvenirs, recycling second-hand books, playing interactive games and etc..
At the video exhibition area, Star Cluster Drama Club, Parkour Club, Film Club and Soccer Club played their promotional video.
BRS Youth League Committee, BRS Student Union and IB Center also joined us in the carnival.
The carnival last for two hours and came to a successful end.
文、翻译|仲秋睿 摄影|毛小龙 毛岸彬 视频|李瑞宁 任胜军 编辑|饶茹)