Fresh air, green grass, pink blossoms, warm sunshine and singing birds- the ideal combination for a beautiful Spring day in Beijing. On April 27, our annual spring outing brought all of these together. Students and teachers from BRS junior and senior high schools set out to four destinations, including Emperor Kangxi’s Summer Mountain Resort in Chengde, Hongluosi and Qinglongxia in north Huairou district, Happy Valley in Chaoyang district, and Shidu in Fangshan district. Students and teachers returned refreshed and enriched from their Spring outing. Some enjoyed the beauty of nature walks, others explored scenic historic spots, and still others delighted in the thrills of an amusement park. The annual BRS Spring outing is an ideal experiential learning experience, providing students and their teachers the opportunity to learn from nature, explore culture and strengthen friendships.
(文|范琪 翻译|翟静 图|毛小龙 李瑞宁 田子建 李宗儒 童越)