2017年12月23日,北京王府学校Clown舞社参加北京市第五届TeenDancers 2017街舞比赛,此次比赛有来自北京、天津的36所学校的28支表演队伍参加。最终我校Clown舞社荣获亚军。
BRS Clown Dancing Club participated in the Fifth Teen Dancers 2017 Competition in Beijing on Saturday, December 23rd, 2017. The competition consisted of 36 schools of 28 dancing teams from Beijing and Tianjin. For this time, BRS Clown Dancing Club eventually won the second place in the competition.
这是BRS Clown舞社第四次参加该项赛事。在前三届,BRS Clown舞社取得两届冠军、一届冠军返场表演的佳绩。
This is the fourth time for BRS CLOWN Dancing Club to participate in this competition. Within the first three times, BRS CLOWN Dancing Club won two championships, and had one champion encore performance.
(文|仲秋睿 图|仲秋睿 毛岸彬 翻译|刘婷)