What does BRFLS mean to you? What can you do for BRFLS before graduation?
On the afternoon of March 19, all the Grade 6 Faculty and Students started the ceremony “What I Can for BRFLS”in the Tea Break Room.
At the beginning, several students expressed their strong feelings towards BRLFS. They think it is like their home, teachers are like their parents and their classmates are like their brothers and sisters. They grow up together with tears, laughs, troubles and joys.
Teacher Cai shared with students his own experience as a grown-up. Teacher Gu and Huang separately talked about their own teachers, and the hopes from their respected teachers for them when they were young. One teacher mentioned that her school motto is still influencing her every day.
At the end of the meeting, students had ananimated discussion about how to contribe to BRFLS before their graduation in June.