Ouyang Xia

Ouyang Xia

English Instructor

√Group Leader, llth Grade English; English Instructor

√M.A. TESOL, Greensboro College (Greensboro, NC)

√Ouyang Xia is an outstanding language teacher, possessing graduate training in Teaching both English and Chinese as a Second Language. Her many achievements at BRS include: serving as a mentor for young teachers in the inaugural year of the BRS Mentorship Program, earning a Bronze Medal for the success for her students in the ACT National Youth English Proficiency Competition, and being designated a “BRS Outstanding Educator”. Her professional contributions include compiling a BRS Guide to the Writing Section of the SAT , in which she classifies and explains each grammar point tested. Currently she is co-authoring Guide You to American Education , a book designed to help U.S. and Chinese students better understand and communicate with each other.