High school teacher

所有 kindergarten teacher kindergarten teacher High school teacher

David Victor Yue

English Instructor

√English Instructor √CELTA Certificate, Cambridge University (Cambridge, UK) √David Yue is a dedicated, patient and popular teacher who approaches teaching like a supportive coach. He is particularly effective in helping his stude ...

David Steele

English and AP U.S. History Instructor

√English and AP U.S. History Instructor √B.A. Classics Mary Washington University (Frederickburg, VA) College Board AP Certified AP U. S. History √David Steele came to BRS with a decade of teaching experience. In his English and h ...

Andrew James Marzec

AP Physics Instructor

√AP Physics Instructor √MA, Education, State University of New York, Buffalo College Board Certified AP Physics √Andrew Marzec is a confident, popular and creative physics instructor who knows what it means to bring science to lif ...

Juan Hou

English Instructor

√English Instructor √MA, Curriculum and Instruction North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC) √Juan Hou is an excellent English language teacher as evidenced by the success of her students in the 2015 ACT National Writing and ...

Xiaoxia Liu

Vice Principal & Deputy Director of Teaching Affairs Office

√English Instructor √SAT Instructor √XiaoXia Liu takes a very scientific approach to helping her students prepare for the SAT. She analyzes the results of her students' practice tests and uses this diagnostic information to focus ...

Bing Tian

AP and A-Level Physics Instructor

√AP and A-Level Physics Instructor √M.A. University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, NC) College Board Certified AP Physics, Cambridge International Education Certified A-Level Physics √Bing Tian is an experienced teacher of both A ...

Na Liu

English and Chinese Instructor

√English and Chinese Instructor √M.A. Education University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, NC) √Na Liu is a master teacher who combines strict discipline, high standards and an ability to motivate her students to reach their poten ...

Jing He

English Instructor

√English Instructor √MA, Curriculum & Instruction, Expected May, 2016 North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC) √Jing He is an excellent junior high school English teacher who is currently being sponsored by BRS to earn he ...

Mei An

English Instructor

√English Instructor √M.A. Education - Expected May, 2016 (Raleigh, NC) √At BRS, Mei An has specialized in preparing students for the challenging TOEFL university entrance examination. In 2013, her effectiveness was officially reco ...

Hongyan Chen

Director, BRS Language Center

√Director, BRS Language Center √Visiting Scholar, Eastern Mennonite University (Harrisonburg, VA) , Associate Professor and Deputy Director, English Division, Foreign Languages Dept., Beijing University of Science and Technology √ ...

Lucy Emerson Haagen

BRS Language Center

√Lucy Emerson Haagen Deputy Director, BRS Language Center, Senior Consultant for Mobile Learning

Koh Kuang Chet

Calculus Course Leader

√Calculus Course Leader √M.S., Mathematics, Malaysia University of Technology √Koh Kuang Chet' s bilingual communication skills, international and university teaching experience make him an outstanding high school Calculus instruc ...